Yes Supply Certified Transformation Coach,
Neural Energetic Encoding and Hypnosis Practitioner

Please watch this VERY IMPORTANT video about your upcoming coaching session:

Uma Ashanti xoxo

please watch this important video

Hey Sweet Lady!
I'm so excited to meet you...

Thank you so much for taking a leap of faith and honoring yourself in transforming your love-life into the relationship of your DREAMS with the 100-carat Diamond Dating Strategy:

Sparkling Success Stories

“I found a partner that makes me feel like he loves me FOR ME - not for who I can be for him!”

- Vanessa



“She changed the trajectory of my life, Forever... It was definitely magical.... She helped me bloom into me, feel great about myself and supported the desires in my heart. I cannot rave more about Uma. She's absolutely perfect.”

Sparkling Success Stories

“It was so refreshing to know that I attracted this man, and I believe it was from working with you AND going through the workbook journal prompts...”



“WOW - it shined a light on some limiting belief systems and unconscious behaviors that I was not aware of. It also helped shift my perception towards my ex, and how he really was like my dad in a lot of ways. I feel like it really helped me step into my power so much more, and I am finding so much more value in who I am and what I have to offer. Less than a week after I worked with Uma, I signed up on a dating app. I ended up going on a date with the first guy I talked to - we had a really wonderful time together. He was respectful, an amazing listener, open-minded, and a gentleman. I looked back at the list of traits I wrote about my dream partner, and he met almost every single one of them (emotionally & spiritually)! It was very encouraging and validating for me to see how simple shifts in how I perceive and value myself attracted an amazing man, and I believe it was from working with Uma and going through the workbook journal prompts. Uma is great at asking important questions to guide you back to remembering and seeing your inherent worth - I highly recommend working with her!.”

- Nina

Sparkling Success Stories

“She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty”

- Helena



Uma is not only the best-qualified professional to help going through this process but is one of the most caring people I ever met, and she has a natural ability to tune in to other people's emotions and understand even the most introverted person. I am very grateful for the work I have done with Uma. She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty. Uma is a rare find person and I have the utmost consideration for her.

Sparkling Success Stories

“Take the leap!!! I've never made a better investment. Working with Uma upleveled my life immeasurably. This work allowed me to find the man and partnership of my DREAMS and unlock a level of happiness and fulfillment I couldn't have even fathomed before...”



“If you're considering working with her, stop considering and just GO.

Truly I can't say enough good things about what I got out of my work with Uma. I am deeply happy and fulfilled now, on a level I couldn't have even imagined possible previously.

I met my partner while I was working with Uma, and building a healthy, loving, playful, supportive, joyful relationship with him over the last year and a half has upleveled my life in every way.

I have the tools to communicate well when we falter, and our ability to recover and grow together in those moments has given me immense confidence in the strength of our relationship. Living our lives in partnership has already brought such vibrancy to my life, it's immeasurable, and I've also felt the benefits in relationships in my life.

Truly I can't say enough good things about what I got out of my work with Uma. Some places and moments pushed my comfort, and I'm so glad it did. I didn't need an echo chamber, I needed someone to help me think differently, grow differently to unlock different outcomes. So if you're hesitating because you think of yourself as a badass, independent woman who doesn't need a partner, know that this work can still very much be for you-and help you cherish and preserve that identity, while unlocking the ability to partner in deeply nourishing, fulfilling ways."

- Katie

Sparkling Success Stories

“We are getting married in November. We met less than a year after my break up and it's been bliss and happiness ever since! Can't believe I'm gonna be someone's wife! Hopefully someone's mother in a couple of years too...”

- Grace



I learnt more about who I was and what I wanted, and I'm in such a healthy relationship now that I'm still learning about myself and my man allows me to be myself and loves me for me and sees all that I can add to his life and he wants all of it.

I've been blessed with the most wonderful man that I only dreamt of for so long but it became a reality. I've been so happy with him, he also has a strong faith in God, so our beliefs are aligned, he is kind, caring, loving, hardworking, compassionate and the list really goes on. Our relationship has been such a blessing to me and I'm so happy to see how things turned around for me in only a year. I'm the happiest I've ever been.

I still can't believe I was thinking that no one will treat me how I want to be treated. God knew I'd be treated far better than I could ever imagine one day! Thank you so much for all the help you gave me Uma. I'm so grateful and I can't wait to see what else will happen for me in this new chapter.

Sparkling Success Stories

“I found a partner that makes me feel like he loves me FOR ME - not for who I can be for him!”

- Vanessa



“She changed the trajectory of my life, Forever... It was definitely magical.... She helped me bloom into me, feel great about myself and supported the desires in my heart. I cannot rave more about Uma. She's absolutely perfect.”

Sparkling Success Stories

“It was so refreshing to know that I attracted this man, and I believe it was from working with you AND going through the workbook journal prompts...”



“WOW - it shined a light on some limiting belief systems and unconscious behaviors that I was not aware of. It also helped shift my perception towards my ex, and how he really was like my dad in a lot of ways.

I feel like it really helped me step into my power so much more, and I am finding so much more value in who I am and what I have to offer.

Less than a week after I worked with Uma, I signed up on a dating app. I ended up going on a date with the first guy I talked to - we had a really wonderful time together. He was respectful, an amazing listener, open-minded, and a gentleman. I looked back at the list of traits I wrote about my dream partner, and he met almost every single one of them (emotionally & spiritually)! It was very encouraging and validating for me to see how simple shifts in how I perceive and value myself attracted an amazing man, and I believe it was from working with Uma and going through the workbook journal prompts.

Uma is great at asking important questions to guide you back to remembering and seeing your inherent worth - I highly recommend working with her!.”

- Nina

Sparkling Success Stories

“It was so refreshing to know that I attracted this man, and I believe it was from working with you AND going through the workbook journal prompts...”



“WOW - it shined a light on some limiting belief systems and unconscious behaviors that I was not aware of. It also helped shift my perception towards my ex, and how he really was like my dad in a lot of ways.

I feel like it really helped me step into my power so much more, and I am finding so much more value in who I am and what I have to offer.

Less than a week after I worked with Uma, I signed up on a dating app. I ended up going on a date with the first guy I talked to - we had a really wonderful time together. He was respectful, an amazing listener, open-minded, and a gentleman. I looked back at the list of traits I wrote about my dream partner, and he met almost every single one of them (emotionally & spiritually)! It was very encouraging and validating for me to see how simple shifts in how I perceive and value myself attracted an amazing man, and I believe it was from working with Uma and going through the workbook journal prompts.

Uma is great at asking important questions to guide you back to remembering and seeing your inherent worth - I highly recommend working with her!.”

- Nina

Sparkling Success Stories

“I found a partner that makes me feel like he loves me FOR ME - not for who I can be for him!”

- Vanessa



“She changed the trajectory of my life, Forever... It was definitely magical.... She helped me bloom into me, feel great about myself and supported the desires in my heart. I cannot rave more about Uma. She's absolutely perfect.”

Sparkling Success Stories

“She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty”

- Helena



Uma is not only the best-qualified professional to help going through this process but is one of the most caring people I ever met, and she has a natural ability to tune in to other people's emotions and understand even the most introverted person. I am very grateful for the work I have done with Uma. She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty. Uma is a rare find person and I have the utmost consideration for her.

Sparkling Success Stories

“She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty”

- Alana



Uma is not only the best-qualified professional to help going through this process but is one of the most caring people I ever met, and she has a natural ability to tune in to other people's emotions and understand even the most introverted person. I am very grateful for the work I have done with Uma. She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty. Uma is a rare find person and I have the utmost consideration for her.

Sparkling Success Stories

“ I feel confident and vibrant and I've approached life and people with an openness that has resulted in some new, beautiful connections, which have further amplified my confidence and joy in just leaning into being my authentic self. ...”



"A lot of positive change has happened internally for me since we last spoke, I feel so much more in harmony with myself and my feelings, I feel confident and vibrant and I've approached life and people with an openness that has resulted in some new, beautiful connections, which have further amplified my confidence and joy in just leaning into being my authentic self. 

This new way of being has released a lot of anxiety and fear that was holding a tight grip around me and my spirit before. For instance, I started asking some women out for friend-dates, that has started to form into really fun, stimulating, close and authentic relationships. I realize it was something I was a bit scared of before, or maybe felt undeserving of on a subconscious level, and that fear was holding me back from what I was craving the most (authentic connection and acceptance being myself). It really feels amazing and I'm excited about what's to come! It's been a wonderful time to connect back to a part of me that's been dormant for a while. Thank you again for guiding me through this breakthrough!"

- Tiffany


“Feel that a part of my vision board already unfolded. I wanted to manifest a relationship with someone my type and he is 100% my type.”

“I wholeheartedly recommend working with Uma. She has an exceptional ability to create a safe and nurturing space for self-discovery. 

“now i literally never feel 'depressed' just because of what you've taught me and the perspective you've given's amazing i'm forever grateful”

“I'm just so emotional with happiness as this time last year I was sooooo upset with my relationship and now I'm really starting to love myself and know that I'm enough”

Real Stories of Self-Love...

“I let go of a part of my identity that blocked me from having a healthy relationship.”

“I'm different in a fascinating kind of fantastic way I didn't think possible and I know there is so much more left to unveil”

“Thank you Uma - for the work you do, the listening, the guidance, patience and being absolutely amazing! You're a blessing, no words are enough, truly special and like a lucky charm - rare to find, worth keeping and an absolute treasure! Asante very much.”

“true magic happens!” - anisha

Let's toast to the journey of self-love, emotional blossoming, and soul beauty empowerment! 

She changed the trajectory of my life, Forever... It was definitely magical.... She helped me bloom into me, feel great about myself and supported the desires in my heart. I cannot rave more about Uma. She's absolutely perfect.”

vanessa found a partner that loves her for her:

“I found a partner that makes me feel like he loves me FOR ME - not for who I can be for him!

“I was struggling with online dating and really feeling exhausted with the process, I love how simple you made me feel about it and you really helped me heal and look at what was going on inside me that was manifesting outside me.

I really understand and have learnt to tap into and own my self-worth and what type of guy I deserve. You helped me remember that I am worth a guy that really treats me in a way that I deserve to be treated. You helped me make it a priority to work on my own self love so that I can have the capacity to love and be loved and to really be seen for all of me”

“100% worth it, I'm always coming back for more guidance and advice. I love how kind and helpful you are” - carla

I felt heard and understood during our sessions, and I genuinely learned valuable insights about myself. Thank you so much for listening, your kindness, your advice, your generosity and your availability. Thanks to you, I got some clarity about my romantic life. You provided me with the guidance and support I needed to uncover the answers that were already within me.”

These testimonials from my incredible clients are all about their glamorous transformation into their most empowered selves. Their experiences illuminate how cultivating inner beauty and self-awareness is the pivotal secret ingredient to attracting the love and life you deserve. 

The Luxe Life, Loves, and Guilty Pleasures That Define My Vibe


"You can go to the ocean with a bucket or a teaspoon, the ocean doesn't care!"

favorite quote:

Deep tissue massage & listening to Karuna Saturi ASMR

Favorite Self-Care Ritual:

Lighting a BBW candle, sipping v60 coffee & journaling

Morning routine:

Libra, Manifester

horoscope & human design:

Too many! Catfish, Love Island UK, Married At First Sight... Selling Sunset

Favorite show to binge:

Tokyo; love all the kawaii cuteness!

favorite place i've been:


current dream destination:

Sewing my own clothes and designing prints

hobbies i can't live without:

Inner Glimpse & Thought Access by Idil Ahmed

Most Inspiring Book:

Reading Scandi-noir and a glass of wine or cup of tea, in a cozy dressing gown :)

Favorite Way to Unwind:

Sparkling Success Stories

“I used to put my crush on a pedestal, idealizing his qualities whilst making adjustments to myself in order to fit in with him. I was completely focused on making the other person love me...”



...and to do so I used to neglect my feelings and needs. As a result of this, I was very fragile and emotionally co-dependent. I was constantly looking for approval and reassurance. In short, I used to base my self-esteem on how the other person was treating me. I was attracted to narcissists and self-centered men who, most of the time, took advantage of my over-caring and over-giving nature. I didn't have much awareness of my feminine power and identity. 

I feel much more in tune with my feelings and needs. I stopped idealising men and changed the focus from them to myself. I am less prone to accelerate the stages of getting to know a man to start a relationship as soon as possible and I take the time to date him and observe how he treats me and how he makes me feel. I also don't feel anymore under the pressure of making myself accepted and liked by a man but I allow my identity to express itself freely. I learned to communicate my preferences and needs and I do not adjust my behaviors to fit his expectations anymore. I don't feel the need to conquer him with my external qualities because I let my inner feminine beauty shine. I also don't feel any more threatened by other women because I am now aware that my identity is unique and irreplaceable.

By working with Uma, I acquired the skills and the tools to be able to attract a healthy love relationship. I now know what qualities I have to look for in a healthy masculine man and I don't let my old wounded self make important decisions in my love life.

Uma is not only the best-qualified professional to help going through this process but is one of the most caring people I ever met, and she has a natural ability to tune in to other people's emotions and understand even the most introverted person.

I am very grateful for the work I have done with Uma. She truly helped me flourish as a woman and become aware of my feminine sacred beauty. Uma is a rare find person and I have the utmost consideration for her.

- Helena